Happy Monday dolls! The sun is out full force here in Arizona, with highs in the 110's this weekend! All of this heat has us reaching for something (anything!) to help us cool down! To be honest, nothing sounds better than a brightly colored mani, fresh fruit and a tropical getaway! And that is exactly what we painted on our nails. Sliced watermelon and sweet strawberries on the beach in a colorful bikini sound absolutely heavenly! See the top five summer nail designs below for this week's Mani Monday!
Press "play" below to see how to do these adorable palm trees above!
So which nail design do you like best? What is your favorite fruit to snack on by the pool or beach? Let us know in the comments below! And make sure to hit "follow" above to see all of the adorable manis on our Instagram page, @shoppricelessnails!